
Active Member
Hi everyone

2 questions on the wing walk if I may:

1. Why do the plans call for AD3 rivets around the border of the wing walk with CS4-4 in the middle?

2. How did you guys seat for the rivets, dimple all 3 skins, dimple top and countersink walk doubler or countersink just top skin?

Thanks again in advance
What I did

Since the wing skins are .032", I chose to countersink all my -3 rivet locations, and actually, I did not use factory skins, but made my own full length .032" upper skins with no mid-span splice. Since I countersunk, I had no need to dimple any of them in that area. Vans typically gives the option for the pull rivets for ease of installation due to the close rib spacing and access. I had no problem shooting solid rivets in every hole. If I were going to dimple the skins, I would dimple them all separately, as well as the ribs.
Wing walk

Thank you so much Bill, so you used no CS4-4 at the wing walk at all?

Are you saying that if you dimpled, you would dimple all 3 layers at the wing walk?

Correct, I did not use any pull rivets at all...100 % solid driven rivets. If dimpling, I would dimple all 3 layers..skin, doubler ,and rib. Probably wouldn't hurt to dimple the skin, countersink the doubler and leave the rib alone, but likely the doubler would be knife-edged..I cant recall what the doubler thickness is, but I had .025" in my mind. .032" is recommended minimum thickness for a -3 rivet countersink.
Yeah, you would get a knife edge in .025. Dimple. I prefer solid rivets where ever they can be installed.