I am at the point of installing the material for the wing walk area on my RV10 and do not like the look of the sand paper type. Has anyone used anything else and if so does it work?
First, I think this is in the wrong section: maybe one of the moderators would move it from the engines topic?

As for your wing walk, what do you want? Wing walk material is textured for traction. If you just want a durable surface but smooth then use paint. You can even continue your paint scheme and outline the walk area rather than painting a black walk. Be aware, though, that the walk will get scuffed from dirty shoes. I know a Lancair Propjet pilot who solved this by making a walk from foam-type carpet padding and holding it in place at the front by small suction cups. He can board the plane and pull in the walk and stow it. When he arrives, he can put it in place from his seat, disembark, and then stow it. I considered doing it on my -6 but I kinda like the look of a walk on my planned paint scheme.

'Nother trick: Mask walk area. Shoot black poly-u paint. Sprinkle fine sand (slight casting motion). More black. More sand on thin spots. More black. After drying mask a black border around sanded area. More black. Can be laid out in any pattern. Yields perfectly even, very durable wingwalk area. This is a paintshop secret I've used often. Beats any hunk of glued down sanpapaper and makes Randolph wingwalk look like a mistake.
P.S. Doesn't have to be black. You can even use your primary color for an almost invisible wingwalk.
The wing walks that have the "RV" cut-outs that everyone seems to use are not "sandpapery" - they have roughness to them, but it is not sharp-edged. Beware though - I have also found that with wet tennis shoes (like from dew), they are slicker than all get-out!
Someone here gave me a tip to go to a skate board shop and take a look. They had every color under the sun, including clear for $6.00 a sheet. Cheap!

Thanks to whoever had that idea! I like the clear!
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When do you do it?

Many people fly an unpainted airplane for their first flights. In my case, mine will probably be unpainted for years. Would it present major problems to install the wing walk material for these unpainted years? When it comes time to paint, do you remove the material and then reapply new stuff or just paint around it? Or, would it be better to leave it bare until painting?
Many people fly an unpainted airplane for their first flights. In my case, mine will probably be unpainted for years. Would it present major problems to install the wing walk material for these unpainted years? When it comes time to paint, do you remove the material and then reapply new stuff or just paint around it? Or, would it be better to leave it bare until painting?


I flew for six months without paint, and used a couple of strips of the non-skid you get at Home Depot Aviation Supply. Worked great, and the painter just peeled them off and cleaned as part oif his prep work.

Another guy here on the forum turned me on to this. Just sprinkle it on top of wet clear coat or paint. And then outline with a pinstripe if you like.

Heinrich Gerhardt

I went to the skateboard shop - they will actually GIVE you material from the ends of the rolls that (sometimes) is long enough to do both wings, or it is cheap ($5) to buy a couple pieces. The stuff is like vinyl - will peel off after a bit of heating to make it pliable when it comes time to paint.

The sand in the paint trick is an old boater's trick that I remember using when building sailboards as a kid.

"RV" wing walk

The wing walks that have the "RV" cut-outs that everyone seems to use

The center's are missing out my "R" "8" and "A." So where is the material that "everyone seems to use" obtained? I just want to match what I already have, not replace the whole thing.
Surfboard/sailbord top spray.

There is a traction material which is sprayed on. It is clear and goes on last. I used it when refinishing my windsurfers. I have an old board we leave buy the pond for people to fool around with and it has held up very well. Tried to find the material the other day, will need to find it for my new paint job. It my take awhile there are lots of surprises under a coat of paint! Will keep looking.http://www.boardlady.com/nonskid.htm
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