
I have a one year old RV-14 that has the wing walk material that is adhered to the wing. It is already starting to loosen along the outer edges, but more importantly at the inboard leading edge as well. During my last flight, I noticed that it is actually beginning to rip and would like to use an appropriate adhesive that will secure the material, but also allow for removal at some point down the road when I need to completely replace the wing walk. Does anyone have a recommended adhesive for the job. Thanks
I’ve gone through a variety of wing walk issues.......

One vendor stated that you need to clean the wing with isopropyl and not use mek or acetone. They claimed that mek and acetone left film that causes the adhesive to fail. Of course, they didn’t mention this until after I replaced the material twice on both sides.

I also had problems on those hot sunny days, which I’m sure you have more of than I do up north. Flying Young Eagles, by the end of the day, I could pivot on a knee and see the old wing walk material shift position. Normally, it’s in the hangar and not parked out on the ramp.

I currently have Ray Allen wing walk material installed. It’s been on for a couple years and is still adhering nicely.

I did have a problem with one small piece. It turned out that a bad rivet on the top of the fuel tank was leaking fuel vapors. There was a paint blister under the wing walk material. Needless to say, the adhesive didn’t like the fuel vapors either.
good luck with the 3M material here. no issues on 2 planes. No lose of adhesion over 5 years and 700 hours. very affordable from ACS in bulk, cut to fit.
The best wing walk material that I have found can be bought at a skate board shop. The grit is quit sharp and you will never slip on it. I have never seen it start to peel. Also it it is quite inexpensive compared to what is sold for aircraft wings.
Thanks for the responses. As opposed to changing out my wing walk material, I would like to find the right adhesive to tack down the loose areas. With the aircraft just a year old, the material looks very good and I am hopeful that it will be years before I have to remove and replace. This may prove to be futile but certainly would like to make the effort as long as there is a product out there that would firmly hold it in place without jeopardizing the paint when I do need to replace.
Thanks for the responses. As opposed to changing out my wing walk material, I would like to find the right adhesive to tack down the loose areas. With the aircraft just a year old, the material looks very good and I am hopeful that it will be years before I have to remove and replace. This may prove to be futile but certainly would like to make the effort as long as there is a product out there that would firmly hold it in place without jeopardizing the paint when I do need to replace.

Catto recommends super glue when the edges of the prop tape starts to lift. I suspect that may work well in your case.

I had the exact issue. I put off doing anything for a year because I figured it wouldn’t work. I taped off the area around the sandpaper material, peeled it back as far as it was loose, cleaned both the painted wing and the tape with MEK, sprayed 3m adhesive you get from autozone on both, allowed it to dry per the time on the instructions on the can, then pressed it back down just using my fingers, but from the good edge where it was still sticking outwards. It looks like new and has held for over a year since. I am in Louisiana where it seems like it is always hot. My plane has been under a roof, but not in an enclosed hangar until very recently.
I have had the same issue with my wing walk peeling up in the front ... I just tell everyone it is because my airplane is so fast!

Catto recommends super glue when the edges of the prop tape starts to lift. I suspect that may work well in your case.

The previous owner glued down the old wing walk with what looks like super glue ... it was basically impossible for me to remove. I tried all kinds of stuff. Mechanical methods ended up chipping paint, and cyanoacrylate dissolver also removes paint...

Had a corner coming up. I tugged on it till I got to good adhesion, then used clear RTV. Holding 2 years 300 hours later. Good luck!