
Active Member
In an effort to prevent a horrible surprise later in construction, I went ahead and secured my wing skeletons in place with a corrected zero twist tonight. This is prior to drilling my skins...I hope this gives me a perfect, no twist wing!

Anyway, my question is this...both wings are twist free now, but the left wing gives me a reading on both ends off of the plumb bob of 1-1/32" and the right wing of 1-1/8". The readings are being taken off of the same holes and on the same side (bottom) of the wing. Is this OK or will it cause problems do you think?
keep on building

Keep building

Sounds like your wings are twist free and the difference is the way the wing is hanging on the jig. Measure the other side of the wing and I bet you will find your 1/32".

Also you set up each wing when drilling the rear spars so you can make rather large changes when doing that.
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