
Active Member
I have come to a point everyone warned me about but I am sure, like for most problems, there are solutions!

I am building an older stile Fuselage kit (not pre-punched). I am aware that I am out of sequence because I have not build the wings yet.

I have come to the point to measure the distance between the main and rear wing-spars so I can drill and rivet the F-815 seat-rib to the F-804 bulkhead.
DWG 25 is calling out for an approx. 26 1/2 measurement.

So now I am wondering: since I will not have wings of the same building period and most likely end up getting a new slow or QB kit, what are the dimensions on those new pre-punched wings.

Now I hope to collecting some data to find out how accurate the outcome of your builds are and to help me in the decision making how to proceed in this problem solving process.

If you have a post 2005 kit that has pre-punched wings, can you provide me with the measurements of both sides of your wing spar?

What I have seen so far, in regards to the Empannage I have build, the pre-punch technology is very accurate and I can see tolerances of 32ed's of an inch and possibly even better.

If that is holding true for the new technology wings I would not see a problem to get a dimension between the main and rear wing-spars from you that I can use to set the rivets to the above mentioned location.

If I find that you are all over the place with the different wings Then I really have a problem :( but like I said, there is a solution for that too :)

Guess I have to build some wings!!!

Thanks for your input.
DWG 25 is calling out for an approx. 26 1/2 measurement.

On each of my RV-8A wings I measured exactly 26-1/2 inches from the aft face of the front spar to the forward face of the rear spar. The fuselage is a quickbuild about 2 years old and the wings are matched-hole, a few (maybe 5) years older, standard build.

My wings were a good fit when I mated them to the fuselage.

Thanks Joe,
That is very nice of you to respond and good news for me. I am awaiting word from Van's support and hope they will give me good news as well.
Have a great Sunday, Cheers
Build Fuselage before the wings

First thank you all for your infos.

I would like to leave this message as a record for future builders that may decide to build there fuselage out of the recommended sequence of Van's Aircraft.

I believe if you are building your Kit with care and follow the instructions carefully you should be able to fit your wings nicely to your fuselage. If you are building a slow-build I feel pretty comfortable in saying that you have to make sure that you are building it to the QB standard and you will have a good fit.

Van's tech support has commented to my above question as follows:
"I measured four sets of wings and if you follow the DWG's call out for the 26 1/2 inches it will fit a QB set of wings almost perfectly."

Of cause there are no guaranties but I see the advanced technology and the great design work that Van's put into those kits, it will be to our advantage in this case as well.

I will update this thread if I will run into any complications but encourage anyone to contact me if you have any questions.
Goof luck