
Well Known Member

As usual, when I have two options I can't decide wich one is the best to me. I am hesitating between riveting the wing tips to the wing, or install K1000-06 to screw it. could somebody help me to make my choice?

Screw it

I think that you will be glad that you used screws if you ever need to get in there to change light bulbs/strobes or whatever else you need get in there for. Besides I think they look good compared to rivets.
3rd option

Or you can have the look of rivets and the ease of removal by using piano hinges.

I have installed mine with hinges. Easy removal, looks cleaner, IMHO.

Ask, and ye shall receive----everyone has their own opinion. Best advice I ever got during my build---build what YOU, that means YOU, want to see when YOU open the hangar door!!!!!:D
That's right, but I like when people share there experience, then the final choice seems easier.....
Odds are way above average that you will need to remove the wingtips down the road ... and probably more than once :eek:
What humptybump said. We have taken our tips off and on more than I can count. But we have avionics stuff in them both plus the landing and nav lights. We are always changing something in there.
Or you can have the look of rivets and the ease of removal by using piano hinges.

I have installed mine with hinges. Easy removal, looks cleaner, IMHO.

What Piano hinge are people using for this, the rolled or the extruded?
Bye the way, humptybump, I Have juste read your thread about 150 cv for a RV8, that was very interesting, as I will buy soon a 150 or 160 cv , and beleive performance will be good..
Mine are screwed on and look good. A friend used piano hinges on his -7 and it looks amazing in comparison. I'd use hinges if I were making the choice.
I originally riveted my wing-tips on and never regretted it.

I installed my strobe power supplies behind the landing lights for accessibility.

After 17 years I drilled them off to install ER fuel tanks and reinstalled them with screws.

Had I not installed the ER tanks, I would still be happy with them riveted on.

Do what works for you!
I'm kind of partial to the hinge method.

I'm kind of partial to the hinge method.

What a beautiful job , I think I'll use your method . Any piano hinge works for it ? If you have some details about the way you did that job, I would appreciate...
Thanks to all of you sharing your knowledge!

As usual, when I have two options I can't decide wich one is the best to me. I am hesitating between riveting the wing tips to the wing, or install K1000-06 to screw it. could somebody help me to make my choice?


We were going to rivet ours, but decided to use screws. It was some extra work, but after "final installing" the wing tips, and then immediately removing them two times after that, I was glad we used screws.
We were going to rivet ours, but decided to use screws. It was some extra work, but after "final installing" the wing tips, and then immediately removing them two times after that, I was glad we used screws.

Those hinged tips sure do look good though..