brister said:
Could any one provide any tips on cutting the wing tip lens for the vans wing tips?

Just cut mine last weekend. Used aviation snips since this is a vinyl type material and is soft. Then used sand paper to finish it off.
tip lense

I just finished this yesterday. We used a dremmel cutoff wheel to split the lense in half as the first step. We tried to cut off the flnage with the dremmel but his didnt work to well. I then taped the lense over the opening and made a rough guide line leaving a bit of fat all around. I took a 3 inch belt sander and turned it upside down on the bench and with an 80 grit belt I very gradually followed my contour mark. The sander just kinda melts off a layer of plexi and I made small adjustments on the sander and peeled off the waste a little at a time. I used a box cutter to trim away the waste, and the sharp edge makes a good scraper to fine tune the profile and clean off the edges. I used a file also to smooth out any humps. It turned out that when I was done, I had removed the flange also. This is probably a slow way to go as it took me several hours on each lense, but going slow and making frequent fittings makes a nice job of it. Here is a picture I took yesterday.

wingtip lense
sportpilot said:
I just finished this yesterday. We used a dremmel cutoff wheel to split the lense in half as the first step. We tried to cut off the flnage with the dremmel but his didnt work to well. I then taped the lense over the opening and made a rough guide line leaving a bit of fat all around. I took a 3 inch belt sander and turned it upside down on the bench and with an 80 grit belt I very gradually followed my contour mark. The sander just kinda melts off a layer of plexi and I made small adjustments on the sander and peeled off the waste a little at a time. I used a box cutter to trim away the waste, and the sharp edge makes a good scraper to fine tune the profile and clean off the edges. I used a file also to smooth out any humps. It turned out that when I was done, I had removed the flange also. This is probably a slow way to go as it took me several hours on each lense, but going slow and making frequent fittings makes a nice job of it. Here is a picture I took yesterday.

wingtip lense
Ditto for me. (Or close enough)
A very sharp pair of scissors will work great. Finish up with sand paper. Dont use an exacto knife. I learned this after stabbing myself in the thigh... :eek:
Cleaning tip lens

Have cut and fit the tip lenses, got ready to clean up and could not get the marker ink off of the edges... tried NAPTHA - it does not work on this flexible stuff like it does on the other plexi. Tried acetone on a test strip and it ate through it quickly. Any ideas?
Sometimes alcohol will work for cleaning, or lacquer thinner. Test either on the cutoff material first, as I have not tried either on the tip lenses. Alcohol is generally pretty benign on *most* plastics.


Thanks for the info, alcohol does work - it even cleaned the ink of of the tip!:D
What type of plastic is it?

Does anyone actually know what type of plastic the wing tip lenses are made of? I'm pretty sure it is not acrylic.