
Active Member
Went to install my RV-8 wingtips after having the flaps/ailerons rigged and aligned. The right wing tip was perfect, however the left tip shows almost 3/4" droop compared to the flaps and ailerons. Can this be fixed? It appears to my very very novice fiberglass eyes that this is a bad wing tip! It appears that it has been worked on, having primer along the outboard seam, and came from Van's this way. Any Advice, I'm waiting on an answer from Van's email support and will call them tomorrow.

Oh this pic if from me standing at the leading edge of the left wing looking aft. The level is inline with the flap and aileron trailing edge and the ruler is at the outboard aft tip of the left wing tip.

Thanks, Michael

The tips are made in upper and lower halves and then joined around the outer edge, that is where the primer is.

The tips are quite thin and flexible. Do the sides flow to the trailing edge at the TE of the ailerons? Just a thought, but at worst it could be shifted around the perimeter and realigned. If it was just at the aileron, then the TE could be split, aligned and rebonded. Not sure that works at the tip.
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That is not much misalignment. You should align it to the aileron, then add fiberglas / trim fiberglas as required to make it fit properly to the wing end. Both my Rv's needed a lot of filling and sanding to make them perfect.
what I did. take a hacksaw blade and cut the length of the aft aft edge through. support the aft edge with a board clamped to aileron. epoxy the aft edge. 400 hrs. and no signs of distress on the wing tip.

Thanks for the quick replies, I know that you can fix the up and down with relation to the trailing edge of the aileron by splitting the aft edge. This is more left to right or inboard to outboard. The outboard corner is whats down 3/4" and I'm afraid that just splitting the aft edge won't do it but I'm no expert. I will take some more photos tomorrow to give a better idea of what I'm looking at.
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Before you split...

When I did mine, one came out perfect; the other somehow ended up at least that much off at the trailing edge. After removing the clecos, I found that I could 'rotate' the tip enough to align the trailing edge properly.

Really Rube Goldberg looking lashup of duct tape, ratchet straps, etc to get 'er done, but ended up turning out fine.
