
Well Known Member
I am to the point of mounting the main gear wheels and had planned to install the jack points in the wings so I could use wing jacks. However, I couldn't get them or a tie down ring to thread. Anyone else had this problem and have a solution. I have a tap but am afraid to use it for fear of messing up the threads even more.
I thought I saw threads up in the wing tie down recepticle but maybe I didn't. That would certainly explain my difficulty.

I had to tap mine on my -8 QB Cleve - and didn't discover it until the ifrst time I tried to put tie-down rings in the finished airplane!

Some are shipped tapped, mine weren't. It was an easy job, just make sure to use plenty of lubricant and constantly clean the tap.
Use a spiral tap

Borrow or purchase a spiral tap. They are not that expensive and do a perfect job cutting threads in aluminium. Do a google search for spiral tap and some should show up. I believe 3/8-16 is the size you need but double check your application. Also don't forget the proper size drill. (5/16 for 3/8-16)The existing hole in the tie down fitting I believe is to small and must be enlarged but it has been a long time since I did this. Straight flute taps normally found in hardware stores don't work that well in aluminium and are more for chasing threads than cutting new.
Thanks Gang!

This morning, I tapped the tie down brackets and wonder of wonders, the jack points slipped right in.

Wing Tiedown strenght?

Since the Tiedown points may be used for jacking up the plane, I understand they are fairly sturdy.
But do anyone know how much pulling force they'll take?
I see using ratchet tiedowns are mentioned, and when tightened I guess they can put quite some pulling Force on the Wing.
Since It can take -3G's, I'm not world about the Wing itself, but rather just the piece of metal with the threading and the way it is fastened to the rib and the strenght of the surrounding structure.


Morten Raustein
RV-4 LN-AAR Norway
Sorry, just realized this was an RV-9 thread, so my RV-4 question was a little misplaced....:(