dick seiders

Well Known Member
Just received a postcard ad from Viking offering wing tanks for the 12. Lots of questions no answers but time will tell. Biggest is what will Van's reaction be, and what does the installation mean to strength and wing loading? Posted this to provoke discussion. I imagine all 12 owners will be hearing from Viking. Should make for interesting conversation.
Dick Seiders
Interesting stuff

When ever I hear about changes to Vans design I have to wonder how much engineering knowledge went into this change. I built an RV6 back in the middle 90's and I did some small changes and it effected so much and these were small changes.

Adding the things I've seen on the Viking card are really big changes. The tanks, engine, and more capacity in the baggage area all sound interesting but at what cost? Might as well design and build a new plane which is specked out to support all these new systems. All IMHO of course. Good luck experimenters...more power to you!
Spin recovery with full tanks? maybe not! Grummans were placarded for that reason...moment of inertia problem with weight so far outboard. I'd sure contact Van's first.

Without giving an email address, there doesn't seem to be much information available on how the system was tested. Has anyone signed in?

I'll stick with Van's. This looks like they're using 'Hotel Whiskey's' idea of wing tanks. Of course they've been doing it for a while.

Not much useful gain for me, IMHO

If I'm going cross-country, its always with my wife, since she's the pilot (I've got to learn to fly someday). Adding the numbers up, I'm still limited to the max weight, and hence, even if the baggage compartment was rid of the evil gas tank, we would only gain maybe 20 lbs of extra baggage. I flying solo, sure, the back could be loaded up with more stuff, but it could also be loaded into a big bag and strapped in the right seat, and I don't have to worry about the structural and flight dynamics uncertainties of the wing take modifications.

I'm certainly not in love the the stock fuel tank--taken it apart for too many mods--but I'm not convinced that Jan's tanks are the solution....
Like I said many questions. If as Bill said this design was ready 4 yrs ago why is it only coming public now? Secondly, why load the tank weight outboard of the wing center? Wouldn't it be better inboard (next to fuse) where the other RV tanks are?
Dick Seiders
Thinking I would like to have only one tube in each wing to be used as extended range tanks. A facet pump could be installed to move fuel from these tanks to the Vans tank.