
Well Known Member
I was just sitting here dreaming like i typically do and a thought came to mind of possible wing tanks or a larger centerline tank for storage. Has anyone any thoughts on it. I'm not sure if it would be legal to fly with(if they look like bombs and stuff). Again just a thought to bounce of you guys.
The canard crowd does this quite a bit, although they are actually travel pods for baggage as far as I know. The VariEze/LongEze(?) need to do it I think as they have much less baggage capacity than do our RVs.
There have been a few designs laid out for RV belly pods, you could conceivably make a belly fuel tank in that manner, I suppose. You certainly would not need much depth to carry a good amount of fuel, but you would need a sump to be able to pump it all out, or use a bladder. You'd have to be careful about raising free-stream pressures on the bottom of the cowl and affecting cooling air flow, as well as exhaust streams and the heating associated with that. A mockup with some tufting and temperature sensing would definitely be in order first.
Sorry guys i wasn't thinking of the tanks for fuel. That I feel would be to complicated and dangerous. I was thinking of the centerline or main tank more for storage. Something long and wide enough for two small golf bags for me and the lady(centeline wise). We used to stuff all kinds of stuff in the centerline and wing storage pods on F-16s and thats what got me thinking.
.....I was thinking of the centerline or main tank more for storage. Something long and wide enough for two small golf bags for me and the lady(centeline wise)........
Oh yes, I and several others have long wished for such an option that includes the requirements you describe. I have openly mentioned it many times including right here at VAF. Every now and then some would-be amateur designer/manufacturer comes along and polls RV'ers for potential demand. Alas, it seems the idea just never gets much beyond the dream stage.
I have half-seriously considered making a f/g tear drop centerline cargo/maintenance pod for my -9. Not because I need it, it would just look cool on my plane. It would be easily removable and just big enough for a qt. of oil, toolbag, beer, etc. Kinda resembling a belly tank on a P-40.

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Well for sure if i were to do it the prerequist would that it be long enough and large enough to carry two small golf bags. I could easily see an rv-8 tail dragger handling a tube more in the flat oval shape in the cross sectional look of it. maybe 4 feet long or so and roughly 2 feet wide at it's widest point. It could be attaached just like the centerline tank on a f-16. A loop at both the front and rear of the tank and on the aircraft a hook at the front and rear that can be rotated to lock into a full loop. Then have some acme threaded screws at angles, 4 total two each at the front and back hook, to push the tank down against the hooks and at the same time keep the tank from wobbling back and forth. The tricky part would be retrofitting existing planes with the support bracket on the bottom of the aircraft to support such a mode. I would imagine wind forces and such would be alot for the typical skin and ribs to handle unmodified.
I've often thought that a centerline pod would be a really cool addition to an RV-8....but then I get to thinking about the realities of it. If I am flying solo, and need to carry a bunch of stuff, I can pull the rear seat back out, and have a lot of room. If I am flying with a passenger, and we both have luggage, and we fill the tanks, we are pretty much at gross weight - so adding additional volume outside doesn't do much good (unless you don't like to salute gross weight limitations). If the goal is to carry something longer than will fit in the rear seat/baggage area, then there are easy "tube" solutions that people have put in the baggage compartment. if the goal is more weight carrying capability, you'll find that you run out of useful load before the two baggage compartments are full.

Still....I keep thinking how cool it would look! :)

I've toyed with this thought as well. I may put additional tie down brackets on the aft spar in line with the main ones so I'd have 2 points to attach a cargo pod to. Could haul something bulky like a set of golf clubs on each side that way.

Fuel could be done in it, probably not unlike the safeair system. Like Paul pointed out however, you'd quickly hit gross weight.
Air Loads??? G-loads???

I've always thought a centerline travel pod would be cool as well. These sorts of things are always relatively easy to figure out when the airplane is flying straight and true. Where the design really earns its keep is when figuring things such as
  • aerodynamic side loads at high yaw angles
  • making sure it'll stay attached when the aircraft is subjected to that G-loading the airframe is good for (regardless of whether it was intentional or not ;))
Anyway... just thinking out loud.