Aden Rich

Well Known Member
I have completed my wings and tail.
I now have several jigs laying around, getting in my way.
I would be more than happy to LEND them to someone who really needs them.
You never know when you are going to build another RV.:D Which is the reason that I don't want to give them up for good.
Does anyone in Washington/Oregon need these things right now?????

I have the following:

Wing stantions: Welded posts that mount to the floor with all the brackets to mount the wing on. Will work on RV-4,6,7 and 8. Slight modifying would make them fit 9,10.

Fuel Tank/Leading Edge Jig

V block jig for flaps and ailerons

V blocks for rudder and elevator.

Steel frame jig for horz stab and vert stab. Complete unit that stands on it's own but you bolt it to the floor when you get it leveled.

Brake for setting trailing edges on control surfaces.

These are all high quality items, not just some junk that I need to get rid of.

If you're starting your project, this will save you a ton of time setting things up.

I live in Port Angeles, but I can deliver these if someone is in need in the Seattle or Portland Area.

Aden Rich
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I can't believe no one is building right now.
These things used to get snatched up in a heart beat.
What is going on out there????