
Well Known Member
I'm working on putting the skins on my wings (working on both at once).

I started working on the J-Stiffeners last night, but the instructions are a bit vague.

From what I can tell the two stiffeners should overlap for some length at approximately the location where the inboard and outboard skins come together.

If I line up the stiffeners at the lengths called out by the instructions they overlap for the length of two rivets. However, the plans show three rivets that are longer length (i.e. to allow for a double stiffener?) in that area.

The stiffener line of rivets are 426AD 3-3.5, these three are 3-4's.

I'm probably over thinking this, but I wish the instructions would just say three rivets, or two.

Any help would be appreciated!



The outboard one is shown wrong. It needs to line up flush with the last outboard rib. Otherwise it will interfere with the wing tip. Hope that helps.

Yes, you are overthinking it. :D I think there are 2 or 3 rivet holes that overlap. There is plenty of J-stringer material, so go with what you think is best.


The plans call out a 3/8" distance from the lower unbent edge for the location of the center line of the drill holes. 5/16" is a better distance, otherwise you are too tight to the ribs. Here is how you want the outboard ends of the wings to end up so the J-stringer doesn't interfere with the wing tips mounting location.
IIRC the outer j stringer butts up to the inner skin. The inner skin is on top as the inner skin(from memory) is 0.032" and the outer is 0.025". In the photos, I used two rivets and as Bruce said there is plenty of material and I also measured 5/16th. Hope this helps. Sorry for the large photos, don't know how to resize them. The second photo doesn't show much.

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Thanks guys. That helps quite a bit.

Still struggling with how OCD to be with some of the things on this project :D.

Thanks guys. That helps quite a bit.

Still struggling with how OCD to be with some of the things on this project :D.


I know what you mean...You just need to satisfy your own standards, Vans could do a much better job at updating their plans but they are too busy building the next magic carpet and updating their Facebook page.
If you read something that doesn't make sense, stop and read again...if its still confusing hit the interweb just like you did:)
I ran into this exact issue with my first wing. Wrote the following (rather long-winded) email to Vans, and received the following response:

I just finished riveting the top skin on the left wing for my RV9, and I noticed an issue I wanted to ask about. Specifically, the W-926A stringer is supposed to be 49.25"long per dwg 9. Mine is cut to that length. The problem is that Dwg 11 shows (5) AN426AD3-4 rivets in the J-stringer line starting at the skin lap and proceeding outboard, see photo. On my build, however, and with the stringers cut to the proper lengths, there are only (4) holes that would need an AD3-4 rivet. The inboard edge of my W- 926A stringer is flush with the inboard edge of the inboard rib. This leaves only 2 rivets attaching the inboard stringer to the outboard stringer. I believe either a) I have mislocated the W-926A stringer, or b) there should only be (4) AD4 rivets needed from the skin lap proceeding outboard. If I have mislocated the stringer too far inboard, it would seem odd that Dwg 11 would show a longer rivet in at the inboard-most rib along the stringer line.
Please let me know if there is a problem with my build and how the assembly is intended to be made. Thanks!

Vans Response:
I think what you have done here is fine. If you are concerned that there are not enough rivets tieing things together, you can always splice another section of J-Channel over the existing splice. My guess is that this would be nothing more than a "Feel Good" fix though...
Joe Blank
Builder Support
Vans Aircraft Inc.

On the second wing I cut the stringer a little longer to overlap for three rivets.