
Well Known Member
Hey guys. I've been thinking about starting another project and this time I think I'll do the slow build instead of a quickbuild. If I go this route I'll need to build some wing jigs/racks to assemble the things and that presents a bit of a problem. I've got a hangar where I'll be doing the work and can't drill into the floor, nor can I reach the ceiling so both Van's wing rack design as well as Rudi Greyling's isn't going to work.

I'm thinking about modifying Rudi's design to put it on some wheels that I can roll around when needed (the casters will be lockable) and to include a brace across the bottom to keep everything together. I'll probably start putting these together in the next few weeks but wanted to post them here in case anyone suggests an improvement I'd like to incorporate, or if someone else could use the idea as well.

I'm building them out of aluminum so that they won't warp over time. All of the metal is available at Metal Supermarkets, there's one just down the road from me, so that influenced some of the choices.



I've also posted a PDF with some more detailed views:
Hey guys. I've been thinking about starting another project and this time I think I'll do the slow build instead of a quickbuild. If I go this route I'll need to build some wing jigs/racks to assemble the things and that presents a bit of a problem. I've got a hangar where I'll be doing the work and can't drill into the floor, nor can I reach the ceiling so both Van's wing rack design as well as Rudi Greyling's isn't going to work.

I'm thinking about modifying Rudi's design to put it on some wheels that I can roll around when needed (the casters will be lockable) and to include a brace across the bottom to keep everything together. I'll probably start putting these together in the next few weeks but wanted to post them here in case anyone suggests an improvement I'd like to incorporate, or if someone else could use the idea as well.

I'm building them out of aluminum so that they won't warp over time. All of the metal is available at Metal Supermarkets, there's one just down the road from me, so that influenced some of the choices.



I've also posted a PDF with some more detailed views:

Awesome idea.... how'd u do that drawing?
Awesome idea.... how'd u do that drawing?

I'm using a 3D CAD program called Alibre Design (http://www.alibre.com/). If you're interested you should check it out ... they have a free version that you can use to get started. After using it for a while I decided it was worth buying so I called them up and managed to get it at 50% off ($500), which is a phenomenal value for 3D CAD software.

eyeball engineering

I love that drawing - too cool! The concept is neat, my only advice might be to make the 'feet' alot longer. Since they won't be bolted down it wouldn't take much force to push the wing over, like when you are riveting or bearing down on some of the screws around the fuel tank area.
I'm no engineer - just my 2 cents eyeballing it.
Good luck.