
Well Known Member
Given that I'm still traumatized by my disastrous first-foray into using fuel tank sealant last weekend I've been putting off my next attempt, but trying to remain productive. So, since I was going to have to do it sometime I decided to go ahead and build my wing stand. I modified the EAA design so that the same wingstand could be used with or without the fuel tanks installed and added some additional cross bracing cables. Other than measuring where the saddles should go, I pretty much made it up as I went. Not sure how things are in other parts of the country but here in New Mexico it seems it is impossible to buy lumber that isn't split, twisted, or warped which makes projects like this harder than they should be. Anyway, I'm pleased with how it turned out even with the **** lumber. I'll try adding a photo:

Hmmmm. Not sure why you can't see them. They're there when I open the post so I don't know how to fix the problem. Sorry.
Hmmmm. Not sure why you can't see them. They're there when I open the post so I don't know how to fix the problem. Sorry.

I have tried to post pictures on VAF before with links to my Google Photos account (putting the pics in a folder that can be publicly shared). Sometimes it has worked, other times I'm the only one who can see them. Sure wish in 2018 there was a simple way to reliably put pictures on this forum....If I had a dollar for every time I've seen people having issues with this, I could pay for a new IO-390. The Beechtalk forums have a much easier way that just works well...
I have tried to post pictures on VAF before with links to my Google Photos account (putting the pics in a folder that can be publicly shared). Sometimes it has worked, other times I'm the only one who can see them. Sure wish in 2018 there was a simple way to reliably put pictures on this forum....If I had a dollar for every time I've seen people having issues with this, I could pay for a new IO-390. The Beechtalk forums have a much easier way that just works well...

A big part of that is the version of vBulletin this board runs. It looks to be a very, very old version at 3.6.8. Which was released 11 years ago, in 2007. vBulletin stopped supporting this version nearly 6 years ago, around 2011-2012 range.

The newer versions of vBulletin support drag-and-drop photos in posts, and have way more features for creating posts.

If you're looking for a good photo hosting site, which makes it easy to put photos in this archaic version of vBulletin that VAF uses, give a shot.
The trick to google photos, is you cannot use the google "share photo" function - this merely copies a link to the album where the photos are stored, not the actual photo. You need to click on the photo to view it in google photos, then right click and select "open image in new tab". Then copy the whole URL and place it in the post using the "IMG" tag.

If it works you should be able to see a photo here? (Please advise?)

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I think it's been mentioned here before, but I just tried the other day as a test and it worked great. No account needed and it's very easy.
Not sure how things are in other parts of the country but here in New Mexico it seems it is impossible to buy lumber that isn't split, twisted, or warped.

I had the same problem in Southern California when I built my workbench a few years ago. The wood I found at a lumber yard was better than the stuff at the big-box stores, but it still wasn't very good.
One more attempt to post the photos

Ok, using TASEsq's advice I'm trying again. It's weird; I can see the photos in my original post but apparently you guys can't. Here goes nothing:


Please let me know if this worked and you can see the two photos
Yup, a bit over-built, however I plan on using the same stand to transport the wings to the airport when the time comes. The weakest link are the saddles. I think I could park my truck on the frame without breaking it but the carpet (attached by glue and screws) was never meant to be loaded in tension. I may swap those out for something more robust at a later date.
Here's where right clicking on the image in Google Photos can go wrong. You end up getting a link from google's CDN's which doesn't always work (depending on which region the viewer is in), and those links will (and frequently) expire as google flushes their CDN.

Here is what I see:


And I get two of those greyed "stop signs".

Looking at the URL of the photos I see this URL:

But it looks like because you right-clicked the photo in Google Photos and did the open image in new tab trick and grabbed the URL, which is the photo in Googles CDN's.

I can?t see the images either.

The original image needs to be stored in a folder in your google photos which is a shared folder?
Weird. I saw the photos on my iPad originally, but can?t see them now. :confused: