
Well Known Member
Hi all...
Have just started riveting the ribs to the main spar (RV-8). I noticed on the Fore side of the spar where the shop head is being formed, very tiny "fan/hairline stress marks in the anodized finish of the spar. Is this a normal result of the force from the process, or am I doing something wrong. The spar is reasonalbly secured, and the psi is set at 45 (4-5 rivet). Thanks
Hi all...
Have just started riveting the ribs to the main spar (RV-8). I noticed on the Fore side of the spar where the shop head is being formed, very tiny "fan/hairline stress marks in the anodized finish of the spar. Is this a normal result of the force from the process, or am I doing something wrong. The spar is reasonalbly secured, and the psi is set at 45 (4-5 rivet). Thanks

This topic has been dealt with numerous times and at length. In fact it is the subject of a CURRENT thread and has been discussed in the last few days. Go to http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=29429

I highly recommend you learn how to use the Search function at the top of this page. Most questions that builders ask on VansAirforce have been extensively discussed in the past.
Thanks Bob for the heads-up on the thread...I do know how to search the threads, but apparently did not use the correct "key" words to call up recent/past discussions???