
Well Known Member
Maybe it's nothing but I'm curious. I'm match drilling wing skins to the wing and notice there is no material to transition from the wing walk doubler on the rear spar. Did I miss something? It seems like a stress crack could form where the wing skin transitions off the doubler. Did anyone taper this area similar to the skin overlap?
Hi Larry-

I built an 8, but believe the wings are pretty much the same. I checked my 8 plans and the doubler does extend over the rear spar top flange. I did have to look pretty hard on the plans to find it....basically was a small dotted line showing the overlap, but no specific call out on the prints. Ensure you have the proper rivet length when setting to compensate for the doubler thickness.

Have fun.
wing walk

Hi Larry-

I built an 8, but believe the wings are pretty much the same. I checked my 8 plans and the doubler does extend over the rear spar top flange. I did have to look pretty hard on the plans to find it....basically was a small dotted line showing the overlap, but no specific call out on the prints. Ensure you have the proper rivet length when setting to compensate for the doubler thickness.

Have fun.

Thanks. I got that part. I just don't like the gap. I think I'll taper the doubler just a bit to smooth the transition. Sounds like Bill did the same.