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Well Known Member
I know others have experienced this and I sure am glad that I was prepared from reading about their experiences but WOW, when a gap seal comes loose it sure makes one horrific racket.

After 20 hours into phase one, my topside trailing wing root seal peeled away, at first I thought I had a failed cylinder or some other engine catastrophy from the loud banging but the engine was obviously fine. I could not see the seal flapping and slapping the wing and fuselage but I sure could hear and feel it. Is was no better at slower speeds.

I was pretty close to the airport and landed in about ten minutes wondering how much damage had been done... None. Back at the hangar I used some carpet tape to better anchor the end. I am going to add some more tape to make sure that this does not happen in flight again.
Oh man. that happened on my first flight, with no airspeed indication and an EFIS attitude indicator showing a 70 degree nose up attitude and 90 degree bank.

Man, that will get your attention! I aged a few years on that one.
A few dabs of RTV placed inside the rubber channel will keep it in place. I suggest doing this after painting, as RTV and paint don't work well together.
