
Well Known Member
Just preparing for first flight on my RV-6A and I'm trying to install the wing root fairing with the rubber seal. Which direction does the h seal install. Does the seal flow up the side of the fuselage or down?

Thanks Bill.
Seal flows up.

Don't forget to put a little black RTV in the grove, then install before the RTV sets. Let it cure before flight. These seals can work loose in the breeze and start banging on the fuselage. This will get your attention in short order. The RTV will keep the seal in place.

Seal flows up.

Don't forget to put a little black RTV in the grove, then install before the RTV sets. Let it cure before flight. These seals can work loose in the breeze and start banging on the fuselage. This will get your attention in short order. The RTV will keep the seal in place.


I used Automotive Weather Stip adhesive (contact cement) on mine over 19-years ago. Has not come off in over 3,200+ flying hours.
In the garbage!

After fighting them for months on my RV-8, I replaced them with fiberglass wing root fairings. Never even thought about repeating the mistake with my RV-6A. Just ordered a set as SOP. I will repeat on the current 6 project. When you hear the flapping the first time, it will get your attention.
Just some advice

Although the fiberglass wing root fairings look good, they cause a lot of drag. I removed them and gained 8 knots on my first RV. Read about my speed mods in the articles section. If the space between the fairing and the fuselage is the required 1/8", the rubber moulding will stay in place with just a small amount of contact cement applied to the tips of the rubber.
Thanks all I plan on installing them today and adding pliobond to the ends. Ibe currently got the 1/8" clearance.
