
Well Known Member
This is for those with flying planes: What size gap did you leave between the metal wing root fairing and the fuse skin, and how is it working out?

Steve Zicree
1/8" gap

1/8" gap and not a single issue with my wing root fairings and/or gap seals.

On the very aft end on the bottom, the seal was a little loose at first. Heard stories about people experiencing "pounding" in flight with the ends flapping around. It was never that bad for me, the ends were just a little loose. I used some 3M weatherstrip adhesive to hold the seal to the wing root fairing -- just long those last 3" or so. Worked great.

But the 1/8" gap has never presented any problems and I didn't need to use any adhesive anywhere other than those spots at the very bottom aft ends.

Just one data point...

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D (720 hours)
Use the adhesive

I used a small gap but I'm not sure of the size but I really had to squeeze seal to get the holes to line up enough to get the screws in. My seal came out the first time during a high speed part of the test program on the RV-6A at about the red line maybe a little over (I can't remember for sure). I had no adhesive at that time. It came out again when I pulled up after crossing the finish line at the end of the AirVenture Cup Race even with the adhesive at well over redline. Several times I have seen the start of pullout that did not go all the way to the seal banging against the wing and fuselage. The pullout starts near the low pressure point near the maximum thickness of the airfoil and it is definitely speed related. I recommend you use the 3M weather strip adhesive for the full length of the seal after you have trial fitted it and you are sure you can get it in. If you never get up over 180 kts it will probably never come out even without adhesive and if it does pullout it is not a serious problem - it will make some black marks on the fuselage on the wing and fuselage skins. The sound may scare you quite a bit (did me) because it sounds like some structural member has come loose but the plane flies fine just slow down and fly to an airport. Carry a phillips screw driver in your emergency tool kit (Swiss Army Knife) and you can usually put it back in with most of the top screws removed.

Bob Axsom
My gap is about 3/16". I have been flying for almost 2 years with no problems and no adhesives. The radius of the seal, using this gap, is nice and even and holds in perfectly.

Any Updates On This One?

I'm just about to trim the root fairings on my -6 and wanted to know what fairing to fuselage gap worked best with the rubber lip seal.

I can't find a call out in the drawings or instructions.

This post is a few years old and I was wondering what folk's recent experience has been. I don't want to use glue if I can help it.

Jim Sharkey
I used 1/8" and it worked fine. I did have a problem early on because I was a little tighter on the passenger side and didn't get the seal engaged completely. When it comes loose it's pretty obvious. I trimmed a little and reinstalled using 3m 77 spray adhesive on it to get a little bit better bite.

My last post was in 2005 at 380 hours.

Now have shy of 580 hours with the same results. 1/8" with no adhesive and still the original seals.
Thanks guys.

And thanks to Doug and the VAF for giving us all the means to quickly access real life and long term field trials.:)

Jim Sharkey

and I did use adjesisve just to hold it in place while fitting the fairings..Then again mine go on and off more often as my fuel pumps are in the there!
