
Well Known Member
So, what's the final word? Which is faster on our -4's... the stock radiused fiberglass fairings or the flat aluminium type?
The fastest RV-4 that I know of (Dave Anders),has the flat aluminum fairings..he holds alot of records. I'm going to guess he did his homework making the choice. I have the standard curved ones on mine , mostly because I drilled and installed all the nutplates before I did my homework, and I like the looks. If I was doing it again, I would go with the flat fairings. You may have to re-work the FWD fuel tank attach angles at the fuselage to get flat fairings to fit if it wasn't taken into consideration during the build.
I've read accounts from other -4 owners, too, over the years, that have said the flat wraps are faster. This is now 3rd hand info, so you pick what value to assign...
More detail on how I modified the forward attachment on my HROC to allow for flat wing root fairings.


More pictures here.
I manufacture them and would never tell any one that there is a speed increase. If there is it would be so minute that it would be hard to measure. Most that order and install them do it because it makes the RV look faster.

Steve Fairings-Etc.
I was once told to look at fast AIRCRAFT if you want to go fast. Fighter jets don't have curved intersection fairings, they go fast. My first RV6 had fiberglass curved fairings. I changed it back to the original design any gained 8 knots tas. An aero engineer once told me if the angle from the wing to the fuselage is close to 90 degrees, do not use a curved fairing. It will increase parasitic drag. I concur based on personal experience.
I appreciate the replies.

All -4 owners know who Dave is. He's the -4 guru. I know his are flat, but he has many many mods to go with it that, honestly, I'm never going to do. I do love his plane.

vlittle, thanks for that tip. I bought, not built, so I didn't know that could be an issue. I'll pull the existing ones off and check.

Wood....8 kts??? ****....that's a huge difference for just a wrf. Were flight conditions the same?

My whole purpose is to outrun the current RV Blue SARL champ. He flies an -8, has work into it, and is about 12 mph faster than I am. If I can make another 13 mph...I'll be happy. Also, mine is not a fastback, and I love flying it too much to be grounded long enough to convert it. And, I heard the canopies are nonexistent now anyways.

Again....thanks for the input. And, they DO look fast. So, I'll probably make a set and try them out. If it is slower, I'll put the "pretty" ones back on. Lol. I'm all about that speed.
Nothing to lose by making the change. In answer to your question, the tests were run within a one hour time period along our favorite canal at 1000 ft. Wot.
Ive tried both

I hold the SARL speed record in my class. Ive tested both on my rv4 and found no difference...

The 3 biggest things i did to go faster with my stock 160hp engine was a fast propellor, adjust the horizontal stab, and took off the tailwheel chains and springs

Hi guys,
In regards to the wing root fairings and just going with the simple flat warped option what’s then the best option for the faring needed above the flaps? I have the rolled piece Van’s sends sitting on the shelf but I don’t think a curved piece will look good over the flaps when the rest of the wing root is squared off. Any advice or pictures would be much appreciated
