
Well Known Member
When I did my initial wing mounting I did not have my wing root fairings (did not have the finish kit yet). Because of this, I never had the chance to fit the fairings, match drill the holes, install the nut-plates, etc. When I mount my wings again, I want it to be for good. I am trying to figure out if I can do anything with the wing root fairing while the wings are still off? Since the fairing and wing skins already come pre-punched, couldn't I just match drill the fairing to the wings while they are not attached to the fuselage? I could then install the nut-plates prior to attaching the wings to the fuselage. The only thing that would be left is to trim the fairing, but I imagine I could do that easily after the fact with the wings attached. Anybody see any issues with this?



I'm at the same point on my 9A. I figure that it is worth the effort to put the wing in place to save the (likely) hassles trying to do all the trimming etc. after the fact. I thought about this a lot and didn't come up with a solution - maybe someone will chime in and I can avoid putting them on twice....

Go ahead and install the nut plates and do the final trimming when the wing is installed for good. Thats what I did and all is fine.
In my case, fitting the root fairings with the wings on, I had to come very close to violating edge distance in a couple places to make them fit the fuselage well. Thus, fitting them off the fuselage is going to be a little bit of a gamble. They'll probably fit pretty well in most places, but you might also find yourself with some gaps that you won't be able to do anything about. My vote would be to put the wings back on--using just drift pins makes it really no big deal. Good luck.
In my case the fairings were matched drilled already so there were no edge distance issues.
Actually, what I meant to say was that the edge distance issue was on the tank skins under the fairings. Those don't come predrilled. Also, for reference, my wings have 0-degrees of sweep--that didnt' prevent me from having to be very careful about where I drilled.
I was just working on my wing root fairings this morning. From the spar back the fairing and skin pre punched but around the fuel tank just the fairing is. After joggling it around I found it was best to drill the tank holes 1/4" from the edge. This puts the nutplate pretty much between the edge and innermost tank rib. I may have to trim a little misc proseal that squeezed out for a couple of the nutplates but it looks pretty good.

This may or may not help you as yours could end up a little different.
Just did this

I just finished doing the root fairing on my un-mounted wings this past weekend. It was the last task before taking the wings to the hanger.

I was able to install all the nut plates except for those that need to be match drilled to fuselage skin. When I mount the wings, I'll match drill those and install those 6 or 7 remaining nutplates.

I did not dimple the fairing because I think it will be easier to determine where to trim them if I can lay the fairings flat on the wings.
Leading edge bend

Jason pay attention to that stubborn leading edge curve when doing you fairing on the bench. Spent some time and bend it right, I had a bit of trouble with the first one. Mine didn't require any trimming at all clearances fuse/fairing were even on both sides.
Here's an idea. Why not have Vans send you your wing root fairings now, They can't cost that much, and just have them deleat them from the finish kit when you buy that.
Rivet Head--

That would have been an option when I was mounting the wings the first time. But that was about 16 months back! I have had the finish kit for some time and I am now preparing for my move to the airport. If I can avoid having to temporarily mount the wings to the fuselage just to match drill the wing root fairing, that would be preferred.

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I know that on a 6 these can be fitted after the wings are on for good. A friend of mine did this. His turned out great.

You may have to use some blind rivets on some of the nutplates due to the fact that there is so little room in there but it can be done.....

Mine required no trimming and fit right out of the box when I pre-fitted them prior to taking the wings back off.
I know that on a 6 these can be fitted after the wings are on for good. A friend of mine did this. His turned out great.

You may have to use some blind rivets on some of the nutplates due to the fact that there is so little room in there but it can be done.....

Mine required no trimming and fit right out of the box when I pre-fitted them prior to taking the wings back off.

I had my 6A wings permanently mounted and all bolts torqued. I just found the space too tight to work with all the nutplates. I removed the wings, and left them off until I painted everything.
