

All my wing ribs W1208 and W1210 are bowed from the factory toward the flange side of the rib. Fluting the rib flange shrinks the material and makes the bowing worse.

All the previous ribs I've encountered (VS, stabilator, etc) have been bowed toward the webbing... thus shrinking the flange flattens/straightens the rib.

Are these manufactured wrong? I can't think of a way to flute these straight.

Here's a couple photos of a rib without any fluting.



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This is going to sound crude, but I would just bend them over your thigh. With that cut relief, I’m sure it’ll bend straight..
They are not bowed the opposite way.
They are just flexing that way because of the notches in the flange.
Lay a straight edge beside the row of holes on a flange section and you will see it is bowed in the direction expected.
Thanks Scott.

So is your recommendation to focus on the alignment each section of holes between two given notches, and forget about making the entire flange of holes align? When flat on the bench, flange down, it takes almost no effort to flatten the rib. I’m assuming they will just align when installing the skins. Is this correct?
Thanks Scott.

So is your recommendation to focus on the alignment each section of holes between two given notches, and forget about making the entire flange of holes align? When flat on the bench, flange down, it takes almost no effort to flatten the rib. I’m assuming they will just align when installing the skins. Is this correct?


And, yes. As long as each individual section of flange is straight ( you can use a straight edge to check that the holes form a straight line )
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