
I was inventory my recently received (new from vans) 9A wing kit this weekend and noticed that the ribs have been fluted or have flutes in them. So I looked closer at one of them and the pre punched holes seemed to be aligned. Also the flanges seem to be square to the rib. Obviously, I’m still gonna go back and checked all the ribs, but was wondering if anybody else has seen this before in new kits. I built a tool to square the rib flanges but now wondering if the flutes will interfere with that process. I have built a rv7 wing many years ago and don’t remember the ribs having flutes in then out of the box.
I was inventory my recently received (new from vans) 9A wing kit this weekend and noticed that the ribs have been fluted or have flutes in them. So I looked closer at one of them and the pre punched holes seemed to be aligned. Also the flanges seem to be square to the rib. Obviously, I’m still gonna go back and checked all the ribs, but was wondering if anybody else has seen this before in new kits. I built a tool to square the rib flanges but now wondering if the flutes will interfere with that process. I have built a rv7 wing many years ago and don’t remember the ribs having flutes in then out of the box.

Haven’t heard this before, but if they are fluting and squaring, that is fantastic!