
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

can't seem to find this in the instructions or drawings so maybe I'm just blind as a bat. On the top and bottom flanges of the wing ribs at the forward end there are two holes that attach the rib flange to the spar flange. One hole is captured by the wing skin. On the outboard leading edge the leading edge skin captures the other hole. However, the tank attaches to the spar with screws; what about those other holes. I'm sure I'm missing something on a drawing somewhere but I can't seem to find it. Countersink the spar and throw an AN426 rivet in there that goes under the tank skin? Or do they just get left?

I'm not at that point yet, as I'm rivetting the leading edge together at the moment and then I'll be fitting the leading edge light, but just glanced up at the spar on the jig and had one of those 'wait a minute...' moments.

You called it -- c-sink the spar and throw the AN426 rivet through the spar & rib. No holes "just get left." I'm not looking at the drawing right now but I'll bet there's a callout for those rivets hiding somewhere in there.
Thanks Dan

I have absolutely no idea how you manage to fly, work, maintain your 7, spend so much time on these forums, the EAA thing, help other builders, etc, etc. Your not one of these imsomniac people that never sleep are you? :D
Thanks heaps (again).
AntiGravity said:
I have absolutely no idea how you manage to fly, work, maintain your 7, spend so much time on these forums, the EAA thing, help other builders, etc, etc. Your not one of these imsomniac people that never sleep are you?
Nah, I get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep most nights. :) The trick I use is not segregating all of those things (oh yeah, and not having kids). Some people work from X to Y, then play. In my case it's all "fluid." I'm lucky to have a flexible job, so work & play just blend. It all gets done and one balances out the other -- I can only pay so much attention to work, and "RV stuff" is the saving grace! My philosophy is that unless you're required physically to put your hands on something at work (like my friend who built elevators), you should not be "at" can be so much more productive otherwise! I'm enjoying this while it lasts.