
Active Member
On page 14-02 it says to dimple all lower wing rib flanges. I understand the 4 most inboard ribs will have the skin countersunk over the wing walk doubler, but why don't the remaining ribs get dimpled both top and bottom?

I dimpled the tops and the ribs under the wing walk doubler. Dimpled the doublers and the skin also. Couldn?t bring myself to c/s .032 skin. Turned out fine. Just make sure you use a longer rivet through the doublers. Think I used 4.5 long but not sure.
I dimpled the tops and the ribs under the wing walk doubler. Dimpled the doublers and the skin also. Couldn?t bring myself to c/s .032 skin. Turned out fine. Just make sure you use a longer rivet through the doublers. Think I used 4.5 long but not sure.

Exactly correct. Same for the RV-10. Dimple the skin, the doubler and the rib. Did this on three sets of wings and they came out perfect.

Exactly correct. Same for the RV-10. Dimple the skin, the doubler and the rib. Did this on three sets of wings and they came out perfect.


I was feeling terrible bc I dimpled the top flanges of the four inboard ribs and installed them to the spar before realizing I wasn?t supposed to do that...but before seeing this I reached out to the mothership and they said it?s completely fine to dimple the wing walk doublers instead of countersinking. Phew....
On page 14-02 it says to dimple all lower wing rib flanges. I understand the 4 most inboard ribs will have the skin countersunk over the wing walk doubler, but why don't the remaining ribs get dimpled both top and bottom?


I regards to your original question I asked the same thing. I then looked forward in the plans and found no reason to leave them un-dimpled. So I dimpled them all at the same time and had no problems. Consequently, dimpling them later is just as easy.