
Well Known Member
I am a few weeks away from fitting my RV-7 wings to fuselage and wanted some input from those who have passed this way before me.

1. If the rear spar is trimmed per the plans is there interference with the AN470 rivet on the fuselage right about the rear spar attach which will cause a forward sweep to the wings?

2. In general did you have to trim more of the spar away to prevent any forward sweep?

I just don't want to install, uninstall trim and then re-install the wings if I can prevent it.

Any insight would be appreciated.

I just did this a few weeks ago. I put a flush rivet where the AN470 rivet was supposed to go above the rear spar when I originally build the fuse. If that wasn't a flush rivet, I would of had some interference issues. I needed to trim about 1/32 - 1/16" off the rear spar fork (fuse side) to cause my sweep to come back. The fork was hitting the flange of the wing rib. I didn't have to trim any of the wing portion of the wing spar, other than what was called out in the drawings.
I had a 470 rivet in that spot, and had to drill it out due to interference. I put in a Cherry Max flush rivet to replace it.
Which rivet?

This is good info - can someone post a picture of the rivet under discussion? Is it the rivet directly above the rear spar cutout in the side skin? Looks like there are 2 there, one directly above and another further up.

I'm coming up on the point of putting the rivets in and I'd love to get the flush rivet in now.

Thanks for any help,
Here's a pic of the rivet in question.

RV-7 QB wings & fuse. Trimmed the aft spar to the plans. The rivet just missed on both sides. As in, by a couple of thousandths :)
I've just fitted my wings and have a clearance issue with that rivet. At the moment I have 1/4" of fwd sweep on each side. I have pulled the wings out an inch or so and filed the heads flatter but it didn't seem to make enough difference. May have to trim the rear spar a little. I don't like to repeatedly remove the wings due to the possibility of scratching the spar or dinging the lower fuse skin. I'm tempted to just leave it with slight fwd sweep.
1/4" forward sweep

I just drilled my rear spars on Saturday and I had a 1/4" forward sweep. I, too, didn't want to remove the wings to file down the 1/8" bars. I talked with my Tech Adviser and we concluded that it wouldn't make much difference. Drilled them suckers and moved on! YMMV! :eek: