
Well Known Member
Hi all, looking for a little advice. I got my wings mounted yesterday, and initial checks look pretty good. I'm wondering about tolerances. Nothing in the world is perfect, yet Van's give no indication that I can find about what is good and what isn't, only basic dimensions/guides.

My dimensions;

Sweep = about 1/8" forward. Using Van's method of 4 plumb-bobs, the inner ones about 1/8"aft

Incidence = Using a digital level, I get 0.2 deg straight across both wings. On my longerons, the right side is "0", left side is 0.2. I have set the aft fuse where the horizontal stab is at 0.

Triangulation = Using a measuring tape, from the rudder stops on the tail side skins to the aft outboard corner of the wing skins is about an 1/8" difference

Dihedral = The center spar section is set at 0. Checking with the digital level shows 3.5 deg's on each side. My floor is not level, so measurements where made using a lasar level on the top of f-705 (seatback bulkhead) and a ruler to measure from the wingtip to the lasar line. It shows about 1/8" of a difference there as well.

I could probably spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to tweak it closer, but my feeling is that I am well within acceptable parameters, and trying to get it closer would result in chasing dimensions around the plane.

What kind of tolerances did you guys use when setting up at this point?
Last little bit....

When it comes down to the last few fractions, IMHO you are better getting left and right to be equal, rather than going for absolute zero...:)

The other thing is to ensure that everything is solid as possible when you make the measurements... you don't want to lean on one part and throw everything off...:rolleyes:

gil A
Dave, you are WELL within tolerances. Your airplane should fly very nicely.
Thanks guys. I also came across Van's pdf file, which does talk about tolerances, like a 1/2" for most of it.

Very nice to have your assurance at this critical point Mel.

Close enough

My buddy's -4 has almost an inch of forward sweep on the left wing. The airplane flies hands-off straight and level. Truly amazing....Mel said it best.

Go fly,
