
Well Known Member
I?m planning on leaving for OSH Saturday morning the 20th departing SE Pennsylvania. Anyone in the area leaving about the same time that needs a wing man? Planning a stop in IN to refuel then maybe close to OSH to top off the tanks before we get in there. Route will be to the south of Chicago then north on the west side of Chicago.
I'm not your guy as I live in Wisconsin, but to make a suggestion, if the weather is clear, pass Chicago along the lake shore on the east side and under the class Bravo shelf. It's faster, plus, the view is pretty spectacular. Go by at 1000 agl and you're below the highest buildings. Nice scenic ride.

I'm not your guy as I live in Wisconsin, but to make a suggestion, if the weather is clear, pass Chicago along the lake shore on the east side and under the class Bravo shelf. It's faster, plus, the view is pretty spectacular. Go by at 1000 agl and you're below the highest buildings. Nice scenic ride.

Thanks Jessi. I might just do that.