
Well Known Member
Hi all,
It took me about 6 months to complete the empennage. My wing kit arrived before I was finished, so when it was I was able to immediately dive into the new kit. After the bazillion holes you have to drill, debur, and countersink on the spars, the ribs are next. Holy cow. Here I am fast approaching my 1-year anniversary since starting my build and I've been on the same step for almost 7 weeks with those infernal ribs fluting, final drilling, and deburring. I haven't even gotten to scuffing, cleaning, priming, and dimpling. It's been almost 5 months working on the wings and I haven't assembled anything yet. Anyone else felt like the wings seem to take forever to start coming together? Sheeeeeesh, just let me get back to banging rivets again!
Don't fret that will come soon enough along with carpal tunnel from all of the clecos on the wing skins. The wing kit is pure tedium and repetition for sure, the fuselage kit is nowhere near as repetitive.
Yep, as a repeat offender I can say that building the wings is one of the most repetitive, tedious parts of constructing an RV (or probably any airplane...imagine a biplane!). If there's any part of the kit that I would seriously consider getting as a QB it would be the wing kit. The empennage and fuselage (especially the fuselage) are way more fun.

Grind it out. You'll get it done eventually...
Proseal and Riveting

Don't forget the tennis elbow from the rivet gun or rivet elbow. Then you get to do the fuel tanks and proseal. Definitely would do QB wings if I ever did this again. None of the QB kits were available when I was building. Wings definitely take the longest. Bagillion repetitive tasks. All those countersink holes in the spar.