Michael Burbidge

Well Known Member
The wing kit came with wiring harness. I'm going with Garmin GX3 system. It came with 4 basic harnesses. Two for lighting, one for each wing (WH-00011) One for the roll servo (WH-00013) and one for the ADAHRS (WH-00012).

Will the WH-00013 and WH-00012 work out of the box with garmin roll servo and GSU-25?

Also, does the ADAHRS mounting bracket accommodate the GSU-25. Putting it inside the wing at that location looks like a very difficult spot for it in terms of maintenance. Any experience with this location would be appreciated.

I find the wiring harnesses that ship with the kit to be frustrating because there is so little information about how to apply them to Garmin GX3 and the CAN Bus.
The wing kit came with wiring harness. I'm going with Garmin GX3 system. It came with 4 basic harnesses. Two for lighting, one for each wing (WH-00011) One for the roll servo (WH-00013) and one for the ADAHRS (WH-00012).

Will the WH-00013 and WH-00012 work out of the box with garmin roll servo and GSU-25?

Also, does the ADAHRS mounting bracket accommodate the GSU-25. Putting it inside the wing at that location looks like a very difficult spot for it in terms of maintenance. Any experience with this location would be appreciated.

I find the wiring harnesses that ship with the kit to be frustrating because there is so little information about how to apply them to Garmin GX3 and the CAN Bus.

The ADAHRS bracket in the RV-14/14A isn't a good place for Garmin ADAHRS but it's a decent place for the non-CANBUS magnetometer (GMU-22). SteinAir recommended this over the GMU-11 because of the non-dependency on CANBUS (one advantage being a shorter overall CANBUS length). If you go with GMU-11, I would consider the ADAHRS bracket superflous.

The wiring harness can be adapted for G3X but if I were doing again I'd use shielded / twisted wire for lighting. Roll servo wiring works great. All that said, on the 14A I built, I used the harness for AeroLEDS lighting, and the GMU-22 (adapted per wiring diagrams from SteinAir) as well as power for the pitot heat - all worked just fine. I ran a separate ground back to central grounding point for the pitot heat rather than use airframe ground. (14Ga wire, connected on final assembly at the wing root with a butt splice/heat shrink)

Options for GSU-25 include back of the PFD or a more solid remote mount. For me it worked fine on the PFD but I'd consider a more rigid location if doing it again (perhaps a doubler on back of baggage bulkhead or back of the subpanel)

If you're using Stein or another company for panel they can help with these questions as well.
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Why isn't it a good place for the Garmin ADAHRS, or the GMU-11? Is the only reason because of the CAN bus length, or are there other reasons.
