Doug Lewis

Well Known Member
My wing will go to crating this week and was ordered with float senders and locking caps. After reading some other threads I'm wondering if I should be going capacative instead. I'd like to have the option for aerobatics with short extended inverted flight and understand the variations in fuel types affecting the capacative senders. I'm planning on a Dynon or AFS panel.

Suggestions? Are there any other options, or anything else I should have thrown in with this order?
Hey Doug,

I'm within a few days of ordering my wings (before Feb 1st). I will be ordering the capacitive plates with it and I have already purchased my SafeAir mast for the Dynon pitot tube along with the Safeair pitot/static/AOA system and the bung kit for the Hotel Wiskey extended range tanks. I also pikced up 50ft of conduit to run through the wings for my electrical.

It's easier now to do the bung kit install in the event I do want to add that extra 9 gallons of fuel in the wing tips down the road. I'm also putting the Duckworks landing lights into the leading edges of both wings. Some of this stuff isn't necessary but, it's whay I am doing.

So, that's what I'm doing with my wings.


Floats and Inverted!

You can have inverted fuel with float type units. I would actually recommend this as different fuels read different levels with capacitive units.

The float just goes in the second bay over. I have this setup in my -4.