
Well Known Member
Hi all -

Slowly getting ready for my -9A wing installation. A couple of early questions...

1. Leveling the aircraft - My -9A is on its gear already - I can level the aircraft with a wooden stand supporting the back end which I can shim to rise/lower along the forward and aft direction. (There is no engine mounted yet, so the project is tail-heavy. Side-to-Side leveling could be done either with additional pressure in the tires or with shims. Tires would be chocked. My question is if this sounds suitable or if I should just jack the whole project off the hangar floor? Would prefer not to have to do this, but I'm wondering if the tires provide a stable enough platform.

2. Aileron control rods. Has anyone done the wing installation with these in place (i.e. rods inserted into the fuse along with the wing spar)? Just wondering if there will be enough space to work on the spar bolts with the aileron rod in place.

Thanks in advance for any advice/input.
That?s is the first time it will look like an airplane. I was at that stage not long ago. Put the air in the tires and install the wings. Level the aircraft in both axis by shims under the wheels and whatever works under the tail to make it level. Install the wings and use drift pins or hardware store bolts with a point on the front to hold them. No need to mar the close tolerance bolts yet. Check and relevel as needed before you drill the rear spar hole. Make the sweep adjustments first with plumbbobs etc. Check and recheck the angle of incidence and get that perfect. Borrow a digital level if you can. When you are sure all is well, check it again.clamp it tight and recheck. Centre the hole correctly and drill a small hole #40 is what I used. Check for perfect edge tolerance and enlarge in steps. It is easier than it sounds but it will go along way to making sure you do not end up with a heavy wing when you fly.

Tailwinds always
My shop was level enough I was able to level the plane just adjusting tire pressure so no problem there. You don?t mention it in your post (and are probably aware of this already) but without the engine on you will need to support the 1st wing after installing it so the plane does not tip to that side. With the engine mounted that is not a concern.

Regarding installing with the control tubes in the wings, you might be able to get away with it but I wouldn?t and didn?t. I had to drive the lower bolts with a rivet gun to get them in (after putting them in the freezer overnight and lubing them up). I don?t see an upside to installing the wings with the control tubes attached unless you already have the wingtips on and used rivets rather than screws to attach them. However, you?ll have to remove the wings at least once before final install so you could always trial fit the wings with the tubes attached. You shouldn?t have a problem getting the drift pins in the wings and fuselage spar. Then you could see for yourself whether you have enough room to drive the close tolerance bolts in.
Oh yes I had the control tubes in place and wrapped them and propped them up with a towel to keep them at bay. They where no issue for me.
