
I am reading the plans regarding the nutplates for the intersection fairings for the RV8 wings and see they call for #8 screws. Anybody decide to use #6 screws instead? I might like a smaller screw head and dimple. Thoughts?
I considered the same thing, but went with the #8s. They look just fine.
I was mainly concerned with the most aft screw and its possible interference
with the flap leading edge, but it was an non issue.
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I am reading the plans regarding the nutplates for the intersection fairings for the RV8 wings and see they call for #8 screws. Anybody decide to use #6 screws instead? I might like a smaller screw head and dimple. Thoughts?
I take it you mean you are describing the wing root fairings. Since you are asking for thoughts, here's mine. Sure, you could use #6 screws but consider this. The screw spacing is fairly substantial in this area. Even though I used an edge forming tool on the outboard edge of the fairings, because of its larger size a #8 screw might do a slightly better job of keeping the fairing laying down flat against the wing structure. Besides, comparatively speaking a #8 screw is easier to remove and replace. Also, and this is opinion here, to my eye in this particular application a #8 screw doesn't really seem out of place. On the other hand, the same set of plans also call for #8 screws on the wing inspection covers but my eye, I was not comfortable with both looks and e.d. issues on the dimpled covers so I went with #6 screws instead. Bottom line: Do what you want with the knowledge that since the nutplate attach rivet spacing is identical you can always upsize to #8 later if you are not happy.

I could be completely wrong here and because I have slacked BIG time on my build, I thought #8's were certified structural and #6's were not.