Rob Rickards

Active Member
I give up. Please can someone point me to where the size of the block for gauging wing incidence angle is specified? Drwawing 38 RV7 .
I have searched manual and internet and VAF and found some references to 2.5 inches high and 3 inches high.
Today is measuring day! Wings on for the first time yesterday.
Trying image post....
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Top right corner of DWG 38 in the plans. The drawing shows it being 3" tall.

Page 8-15 in the manual, at least the version I have here. "SETTING THE WING INCIDENCE":
Now the very important incidence angle must be measured and set. This is done by using a level and spacer
blocks as shown in DWG 38.
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3" I think.........also positioned aft and on rivet line of the spar, been a couple years.....
Top right corner of DWG 38 in the plans. The drawing shows it being 3" tall.

Page 8-15 in the manual, at least the version I have here. "SETTING THE WING INCIDENCE":

Yup, that's it! It took me forever to find that little drawing in the upper right corner!

As located by Dale and Dan.

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Yes that was the image I was trying to post.
Looking at it again a little "3" suddenly came into focus. With two tell tale arrows.
Right in front of my nose.
Oh well as soon as you post there it is.
Many thanks for making an effort and helping put.....onwards!