Is there an internal adjustment to correct a heavy wing? I know a tab can fix it, as will as other external adjustments, but I would rather fix it internally as much as possible first-
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You could potentially use the aileron trim system if installed and bias the springs to help with the heavy wing.

I would say this is a non-ideal bandaid and would encourage you to follow the directions for fixing a heavy wing. It took me 2 tries on mine and was really easy to accomplish. Unless the plane is already painted, you should go this route.

You could potentially use the aileron trim system if installed and bias the springs to help with the heavy wing.

I would say this is a non-ideal bandaid and would encourage you to follow the directions for fixing a heavy wing. It took me 2 tries on mine and was really easy to accomplish. Unless the plane is already painted, you should go this route.


Thank you, Aaron, I appreciate it- however, I don't have the instructions- could you PM me?
Search function

At the top of this page is a tab for search function. Type in heavy wing and
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Wow, the instructions are much more thorough than 8 years ago. I simply performed the last step in Van's writeup above (squeeze the aileron) and very little fixed the problem. I would use the steps above to sort it out.

May need more than a light squeeze

My RV-7A had a VERY heavy right wing. After gently squeezing my ailerons and trying other more difficult fixes, I put a wood trim tab under the left aileron and cured the heavy wing.

I flew with Mike Seager when I had some experience in the plane to identify (and hopefully fix) any poor pilot habits I had developed during my first 150+ hours of RV flying. At my request, Mike took the stick and said my ailerons had a very light touch. He said something like: "Almost snatchy". He suggested squeezing the ailerons more to get a more proper aileron feel. So, I squeezed the left aileron much more and got the plane so it was balanced in roll trim AND had "better" (proper?) feel.

My wings were QB. I've been told the QB wings don't have the ailerons tuned. Note that I live near the Van's factory and I'm friends with many very respected people in the local RV community. Mike was not the first person to offer a suggestion to fix the heavy wing.

(I also own a 1995 Midnight Pearl NSX with BBSC :) )
