
I'm New Here
Hey all! Still in the dreaming/planning/saving phase here, so pardon my rudimentary question.

Can someone tell me what the dimensions (close is fine) of a completed 9A wing are, please? I'm trying to figure out which components I can build in my basement and still get up the stairs and into the garage after they're assembled.

RV-9A Wing


Don't have measurements handy... but I live down the road from you in Ottawa. Any time you want to come out for a project visit, I'd welcome the company.

Have you been to any of the EAA 868 meetings?

I am not privy to the dimensions of a 9A wing, but I had the same concerns building my 6A wings in my basement. My basement stairs ended at a wall of the basement, not facing out into the basement. This necessitated making a sharp turn to go up the stairs with the wings.

What I did to make me sleep better and stop making up excuses to make a larger window in the basement so my wife would go along with it, was to make a wing mock-up. I made a wood spar the same dimension as the main spar, as well as a wood rear spar, and then used the root and wing tip ribs as well as the inboard rib for the leading edge section to make a framework the same size as the finished wing without the gastank or flaps/airlerons in place. Then I covered the whole thing in paper ( I have access to big rolls of paper) and used my mockup to trial fit the wing up the steps.

I am happy to report that all fit well and the real thing came up the stairs without a hitch.

painless said:

I am happy to report that all fit well and the real thing came up the stairs without a hitch.


That's a really good idea. I'm fortunate to have a straight shot up the stairs and right into the garage (the doors line up) - but I still want to be sure.
Boy Dave, I doubt if you will have any trouble. Not having the fuel tank on the wing when you move it to the garage will help quite a bit. Having a straight shot out the door is a big plus.

IIRC Ken told me it was something like 11'x4'. This was over a year ago though. I had the same concern.

At least thats who I think it was, I asked when I ordered my 9 preview plans.