
Well Known Member
I have noticed a creaking noise when taxying over rough ground. It seems to be coming from the wing area, and very noticeable without the headset fitted. I have removed the Grove gear and retensioned the bolts, but still there. The aircraft has had a ground loop at some stage, so just wondering where I should be looking for any possible cracks ?
Are you sure it's the gear? My canopy creaks large time and I can only hear it with headsets off.
I would grab each wing-tip in turn and gently rock the wing up and down listening for your creaking. Start there anyway. keep us posted.
Maybe Cowling?

My Cowling makes a lot of noise.If I grab the prop and rock it back-and-forth from side to side the Cowling will creek quite a bit. Other than that I would remove your wing root fairing and check all of your wing attach fittings.
Check the upper gear leg fairings. They may be the source of the noise as they can rub the fuselage as the gear move around over rough terrain. I have seen that.

I doubt your wings are rocking and creaking. :)
