
I'm working on Rv-8 wings purchased mid-project, it was the previous owners second build and most work is high quality.

As I get into the wings, I've found that he had drilled the ribs for conduit routing in the upper fwd corner near the spar. Hole size is .8125". I've seen the wire routing recommendations from Van's, but I've also seen it located here on other builds. Anyone have any experience as to what the best course is from here?

1. Use as-is. Strength issues? Fuselage interference issues where it exits the wing?

2. Repair and relocate to recommended location. Not sure if there is room for a proper repair/doubler in this location.

3. Replace. Nothing is riveted yet, so this is an easy option, but rather costly.


Thanks for any thoughts.

Use as is. No issue at all.

Go to the Lowes aviation department and find cold water plastic pipe to fit for the wire conduit. Cheap and light.

Flexi or solid pvc type?

I used 1/2" ID CPVC pipe (5/8" OD):

Taking another look over your oversized holes however, you would need to jump up in size. If I was doing this I'd either use the Van's conduit or just put in snap bushings that fit.

To your earlier point - the hole is way too big. If you want to take the time, doing a doubler over the hole with four or so rivets and then doing the recommended 5/8" hole might let you sleep easier at night.

What does Van's say?

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I haven't had a chance to talk to Van's about it yet. I'll post a follow-up after I do.
Don't use Conduit

Or, don't use any conduit at all. It's not absolutely necessary. My first EAA tech counselor built two RV's and he didn't use any conduit in any of his wings, and he convinced me to think the same way. Save the trouble; save the weight.

He said the conduit is a fire hazard if it gets hot enough, that's why they don't use it in airliners or certificated planes. Your wires won't get hot from being confined inside a conduit. If a wire needs to exit the bundle somewhere along the way, you don't need to worry about how to do that. What if you ever need to add a wire? Or replace a wire? Even with the bottom skins riveted on, you can reach every rib through the access panels on the bottom.

So I'm going to run the wires through the bushings, and put spiral-wrap around the wire bundle between each rib. Wires that exit the bundle along the way for heated Pitot, autopilot servo, etc. will be no problem. I know not everyone will agree, but it's a viable option and something to consider.
Yep, no conduit next time. When I figured out that each rib can be reached through the access panels (you learn this when you pull a tank), it became apparent that the conduit I worried about for so long was a waste of time. Now under the baggage floors is a different story...
I'm wiring up a -10 right now with no conduit in the wings. Just snap bushings. I've done it both ways, but with the LED lights and things like that, the wire bundles are getting smaller and easier to deal with.