
Well Known Member
Have a question for those who have been there before me. Due to the nature of my work, I only get 3-4 months every year a half back in the USA. Two summers ago I started and completed my RV-8 tail kit. Now, this coming spring, I will be back in the USA for 4 months and am wondering if it would be reasonable to start and finish the wings in that amount of time. I am planning on having three 8-hour days for building each week for roughly 4 months. Can it be done?
Should not be a problem!

The wings go together very quickly. There is nothing on the wings (with the exception of the tanks) that you haven't already done on the tail feathers. It's just easier to do because you can get your hands inside.
Even with my early -6 (no holes of any kind), the wings went almost as fast as the empennage.
I did my -9A wings in about 4 months working maybe 2 hours in the evening on work nights, and maybe 12 hours over the weekend. If you can devote most of a three day weekend, you should not have any problem getting the metal stuff done. Now, the fiberglass part, that is a different story.
Wil Ramsey RV 8a

Wil Ramsey built his RV8a QB, with my and others help, in 52 days. He had only 4 months off between jobs. We did the glass and other nonessential things after his first flights. He had the tail completed before he came here to my shop. He did the lions share of the work. He put in 10 to 12 hour days.

You should be able to get your wings done in a month of long work sessions.