
For those that have already attached their wings, Is there any problem with mounting the wings to the fuselage without
attaching the flaps first? Thanks
I have installed my wings and no issues at all with the flaps and ailerons on. I actually installed them myself without any help. Had saw horses cut to the correct hight and slowly lined them up and slid them in. I would argue that it was smoother and safer doing it alone than having several people pulling and pushing against each other.

I also helped putting a set of RV-14 wings on with a group that had flaps and ailerons on and they went on smoothly as well.
My take; a lot of potential for disaster with little or no gain.

The wings go in easy enough (especially for the RV-10 and RV-14) so three guys might take 20 minutes. Cheap insurance.

I just put the RV-8 wings back on after paint, a total of four of use doing the job. Simple, safe and done in a few minutes.
