
Well Known Member
Now that C-FUNC is at its new home in my hangar (Pics of the Big Move Here), I have some friends coming to help me attach my wings on 7 March.
My question - would it be better to attach the ailerons and flaps prior to plugging the wings in, or after? On the one hand, attaching the ailerons and flaps would be easier with the wings standing nose-down in my wingstands, but on the ohter hand having these flopping around may make plugging the wings into the airplane more combersome. I thought some of you with experience doing this might have thoughts on which is best...
Leave 'em off in my opinion. Recently installed my wings for the last time and having them off made the wing much lighter and we did not have things flopping around while trying to do the install. Not hard to install the surfaces after wings are on.

Leave as much off as you can until final fit and adjustment. You'll protect these parts from hangar rash/builder oops dropped a tool damage a little longer. :)