Jerry Carter

Well Known Member
I hung the wings on my RV-7 today for the final install. When I went to install the large locknuts on the bolts (plans call for AN365-720A nuts per drawing 11 - AKA MS21044N-7), I found that I have two different size nuts in my collection. I have moved my project twice, and the hardware has been organized into little bins in my hangar, so they are no longer in the little paper bags. One requires a 5/8" wrench and the other needs a 11/16." The threads are the same and the nylon insert is the same green color on each. I have seven of the smaller and three of the larger. I can't find anywhere what the actual wrench size for the nut is supposed to be - 5/8 or 11/16. Does it matter other than having one bolt (or more) requiring a different wrench to torque it down? Thanks for your help.
Jerry, sorry cant help with the question, however, I do have a heads-up tip for you.

The threads on the wing bolts are just enough to show the 1 1/2 threads outside the nut before they bottom out on the un-threaded shank of the bolt.

You may have to fiddle around with the washer thickness a bit to get the correct grip length for the threaded portion of the bolt.

I ran into this helping a buddy when we assembled his 10-------when he went back to double check the torque, the bolts were turning, even though the nut was tight. ------ the nuts had bottomed on the threads.

Good luck.
If you really have...

...a MS21044-N7 nut, then it is the one that takes an 11/16 wrench....:)

The Specification is here...

Coming from this new web site with of lots (really lots) of on-line specifications --

However, if you have an AN365 nut, then it takes a 5/8 wrench - AN365 ==>> MS20365

Since Vans specifies both, it seems you can use either one....:)
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