
Well Known Member
On a recent flight into the sun I noticed a lot of swirls on the windshield which were pretty distracting :(. I have been using lemon pledge and microfiber cloths to clean the windshield for the last 11 years.
Any recommendations for a good way to polish the swirls out without ruining the plastic or making the optical clarity worse?

for one thing, never polish in a circle. Always up and down.

Yep. People used to think me nuts polishing the show car. Vertical surfaces always up and down. Horizontal surfaces always forward/aft. No swirlys. Windshield is tricky. Suggest always bottom toward top or vice versa but never in a circle. Can you tell I'm slightly OCD? :D
BTW, always hose or blow off the part before touching it with anything or you drag particles across the surface.
On a recent flight into the sun I noticed a lot of swirls on the windshield which were pretty distracting :(. I have been using lemon pledge and microfiber cloths to clean the windshield for the last 11 years.
Any recommendations for a good way to polish the swirls out without ruining the plastic or making the optical clarity worse?
The Novus 3 step polish kit
I just use Turtle wax "Bug and tar"---and Viva paper towels---only Viva, because they're like soft cloth. Been cleaning the bugs and grime this way for 7 years now. No problems.:)
I use clean water and a terry cloth, rinse often, clean in line with the aircraft. Do not press hard till the dirt is lifted off. The terry cloth will collect the dirt within the fibers. Wring out rinsed water from terry and wipe dry surface in same direction.

Use Plexus (a small can will last about 4 years) to polish off the remaining bugs.Use a 100% cotton T shirt. Spray a lite mist on a section and buff in the SAME DIRECTION as you did with water. Fold the rag each time you move to another quarter. The Plexus will fill in the fine scratches that you can only see when the sun hits just right. Plexus will not build up on the plexiglass. Store the section of T shirt in a zip lock bag to keep it clean.

I am right handed so I can clean 80% of the canopy from the right wing, and the remaining, I can get from the left step.
Thanks for the tips, just got the Novus polish kit and will check out the other glass cleaners.