
Well Known Member
My question concerns the fiberglass layup around the base of the windshield. Are the retainer clips supposed to be completely buried in the first epoxy/micro application? Or is just enough epoxy/micro applied to fill the small gap between the windshield and the fwd top skin?
If #1 is correct, why bother with the first few narrow layers of glass? If #2 is better won't there be bumps where the fiberglass lays on top of the clips? Am I missing something?

Thanks all,
Canopy Clips

Steve, I basically built up the fill/ flox to the top of the clips over several applications, then applied the glass on top. That was the easiest way to avoid big bumps. There's enough sanding as is. At the lower portion of this page ( are some photos of my progress on this.
I only applied filler in a fillet along where the plexi meets the canopy skirt. Then I fiberglassed from there. The clips got buried under several layers of glass. No issues in 1400+ hours.

I didn't use the clips. They seemed redundant given the big bond area of fiberglass. Anyone else take that route?
Jim Sharkey

Hi Jim,
The clips are kinda redundant but we had a couple of places where the windshield wouldn't quite cooperate so we held her down with clips ;)
jsharkey said:
I didn't use the clips. They seemed redundant given the big bond area of fiberglass. Anyone else take that route?
Jim Sharkey
Ditto for me. I used a lead shot bag to hold the canopy in place while the glue dried.
Phew! That's a relief

Had sinking feeling for a moment there that I'd left out a critical part :)
jsharkey said:
I didn't use the clips. They seemed redundant given the big bond area of fiberglass. Anyone else take that route?
Jim Sharkey
I didn't use clips and 2-1/2 years and 200 hours later, the bond looks as solid as ever.