I have an ‘05 6a. The windshield is crazing. I know how to sand it out and repolish. However, is there guidance on the required thickness of the final plastic?
Thx. Jerry
Maguire's Polish

Go to the Auto parts store and get some Maguire's Swirl remover. I polished a C150 windshield that looked real bad and the owner couldn't believe the difference.

I would try this first before you start sanding it.
Moderate polishing is generally OK. Any significant sanding will remove material and begin to impact optical clarity. I believe that even removing a couple thousandths will begin to add distortion, as you cannot do that evenly.
Crazing is usually stress cracking of various depths, not a surface-scuffing phenomenon. I don't think it's possible to get rid of those micro stress cracks, and if you do, I'd be afraid of further weakening that usually-older acrylic.
I had a cessna 152 for 10 years. Had crazing on the back window. I polished as much as possible and no changes. I agree with MacCool that it's not surface. Likely that no amount of polishing will remove it. Won't hurt to try and if it does then great but IMO not likely.
There are threads on VAF covering multiple different solvents NOT to use on acrylic for cleaning off glue & Sharpie marks - that cause crazing.
Laquer thinner being one of the big offenders.