erich weaver

Well Known Member
Well, the last significant construction part of my -7A project is at hand - constructing the fiberglass faring around the windscreen of the slider. Im not real happy with how the previous owner of my kit cut and shaped the windscreen, but I think it can be made to work.

Could several of you fine folks who have been through this before and have the process documented photographically provide some links to your web logs? I think the -7A and 9A sliders are pretty similar, so either of those would be ideal for me to look at.

thanks in advance

erich weaver

Have you considered making your fairing out of Aluminum??


I can send you pics if you are interested. Sorry about the ugly slug in the left seat......
Hey Jeff,

Is your plane all done now. Sorry I never got a chance to get out to Watertown. This was a bad winter for flying out of here. I just recently got in my three TOs and LDGs.

I know our neighbors 182 got finished.

painless said:
Have you considered making your fairing out of Aluminum??
:eek: Wow, that is way cool! What's the secret? Inquiring minds want to know...

mcb (was just admiring the metal windshield fairing on a Mooney yesterday and wondering how it's done...)
a link

Here's a link to a page with some photos of the process. It's not my page or project, so I hope it's owner doesn't mind me posting it:

scroll down a bit to find the windscreen section.

Hope this helps!

Paul Kendrick
RV-7: about to glass my windscreen, too.
Hi Roberta:

The RV is pretty close to being done. Of course, "done" is a relative term! Just have to finish up with some carpeting.

Yeah, this winter was a bummer. Do you get your private strip plowed regularly??

I think I saw your neighbor's 182 there when I picked up N782P. How long did he have it there?? My RV was there for two months! Glad I got it painted in the winter instead of now.

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I used the technique that is outlined in an article I found in the 18 Years of the RVator book I have. That shows how long I have been at this! Isn't the current edition something like 24 years of the RVator??

Anyway, it is from an article that appeared in June of 1997. Let me know if you can't get ahold of a copy and I can shoot you out a copy in the mail.

Hi Jeff,

I think he got his plane there just after you did. It was a miserable week and they blew the runway just enough to get him out.

We normally blow the runway after each snow fall. This last winter was just so unpredictable and screwy weather patterns. Normally we get out a lot during winter, but it seemed every weekend was crummy. I rarely get out in the week due to working and early sunsets in winter. Got to make up for it now, though. We're heading to CO and NM later this month. Gonna do some more mountain flying.


Bet your plane is looking GREAT!
painless said:
it is from an article that appeared in June of 1997. Let me know if you can't get ahold of a copy and I can shoot you out a copy in the mail.
Thanks, I will dig up my copy of N Years Of The RVator and check it out.
