
Well Known Member
For those smarter than me...

I am puzzeled by my Skyview wind direction vector readings. I have a classic Skyview that I have about 200 hours on, more than 400 hours on the RV-7A. I also have a Garmin 496 as a backup GPS.

If you look at the images shown you will see that I flew in one direction and then reversed direction 180 degrees. Autopilot was engaged to keep the reading as constant as I could. Note the time difference between these photos was a little over a minute.

The Skyview compass heading matched my Garmin 496. The ground track still shows a left crosswind even though I reversed my heading. The difference between heading and track corrolated to the approximate crosswind magnititude. The wind direction didn't shift that much in a minute.

I have not seen the wind direction vector ever show a right crosswind.

On the ground both the Skyview Compass heading, Garmin Compass heading and Skyview Ground Track match exactly.

This type of issue is constant, never a right wind direction vector. Flew many flights to verify this. The plane flies true, and I even put it in a slip to see if that would change the readings, but it didn't.

Any ideas what is going on? Am I not understanding the wind director vector correctly?


First, what software are you running? I suspect it is the rollover issue from the service bulletin and you will need to load the latest version of software. If you are on the latest version, then the compass calibration is likely in error. Here is the service bulletin:

BTW: send me a diagnostic file and I can tell you if the compass cal is suspect or if it's the GPS rollover issue
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