
Well Known Member
My hangar is set up for a wall-mounted winch, similar to the system we used to use for the local CAP squadron's 172XP. It hooked up to the tail tie-down, had a long remote, and steered into the hangar with a towbar on the front wheel. Can I do that safely with my RV-9A?

ETA: (sorry...I wasn't using the search function correctly. I see this has been discussed)
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I emailed vans A couple of years ago for that same question. They said that the the tail tiedown ring was to applied downward force And a structure was not designed to applied backward force.
nose wheel

Not sure about the steps as they are also designed to carry a vertical load, and are prone to cracking. What about using the nosewheel tow bar with a couple of eyes added to take the winch cable?
Thanks. That makes sense. I wonder if I can use a Y-cable to the right and left steps.

As with almost everything, the answer is "it depends" on a number of things.

The next time two of you are near your plane, each grab the very top of each of the steps, and pull your plane into the hangar. Does it feel like much of a pull?

Would I pull my plane up a 5% grade with them? Of course not. But a grade that isn't steep enough to even cause the plane to roll by itself is not likely to be a problem. How fast does the winch accelerate? Is there a "shock absorbing" rope in the loop?

While I can't condone it for others, given all these variables, I've done this myself many times. I have a length of rope, maybe 15', with a pulley riding it. The winch hooks to the pulley, and each end of the rope attaches to the VERY TOP of each boarding step with a noose. This is important, of course, to keep bending moments to a minimum. The pulley distributes the load evenly, even when the tail isn't exactly aimed at the winch.


I will try to take a picture of this setup next time I'm at the hangar.