
Well Known Member
Who does RV painting in the Willamette (Portland to Eugene, roughly, and include Vancouver for the grins of it)?

Choices are a bit thin around Boise, ID. For competition's sake and due diligence, I'm looking for alternatives with plenty of experience, on-airport for-real paint facilities, superb workmanship, and a willingness to use auto paints.


John Siebold
For starters, contact Stark's Twin Oaks. It's a little west of Portland, and theri website is here: http://www.twinoaksairpark.com/

I understand the son of the owner paints planes--if not, they will know who does. He reportedly painted Tom Sampson's RV-9A, a pic of which is here: http://www.eaa105.org/Newsletter/nl-200702.pdf

Also, contact EAA Chapter 292, based at Independence, OR. I believe there is a painter at Independence. It's a large residential airpark with a lot of RV's and there is certainly someone there who can recommend a painter.

And I believe there is a paint shop in Bend, a 100 miles closer to your home. Dennis Douglas who runs the chapter there might be able to steer you in the right direction on that.

Locate the EAA chapters on the EAA website, EAA.org.
Hi John,

You might want to call Dan Mauer of "Have Gun Will Travel". He has 25 years airplane painting experience, concentrating the last 5 years or so mostly on RV's . He will come to you if you have a place to do it, or you can go to him at Red Bluff, CA.

From personal experience, he does excellent work for a very fair price.

1-530-527-1970 or 530-526-8021